Electronic Cigarette Lawsuits

Although they continue to rise in popularity daily, e-cigarettes remain in the news for several dangers that can lead to very serious injuries. Across the country, several e-cigarette lawsuits have been brought involving the battery pack attached to the cigarette device exploding. These e-cigarette lawsuits have been brought up in states such as New York, California and Florida just to name a few. In many incidences, these e-cigarette explosions can spread to create a fire and produce real damage and injury to the people and places that are nearby. It is expected that the number of e-cigarette lawsuits will continue to rise, as more reports of exploding batteries make waves on the news.

Why Are E-Cigarettes Exploding?

According to a FEMA report, the majority of e-cigarette explosions occur while the battery of the e-cigarette is charging. In a variety of reports, several of which we will investigate later, the cause is often linked to the use of an alternative charger, one that was not sold with the battery that was charging. What this means is that the majority of the damage caused by e-cigarette malfunction. There are some cases, roughly around 12% according to FEMA, that occur when the devices are either in use or storage. This may be due to the ever-present risk of using lithium batteries that can pack a large amount of power into a small space.

parts of an electronic cigarette

When the battery seal (at the end of the battery) ruptures, the pressure within the e-cigarette cylinder builds quickly and instantly ruptures, usually at the end. As a result of the battery and container failure, one or the other, or both, can be propelled across the room like a bullet or small rocket. To reduce the risk of an e-cigarette explosion users are advised only to plug an e-cigarette into a USB port or power adapter that was provided with the battery or e-cigarette itself.

Are There Other E-Cigarette Dangers?

e-cigarette user

  • Cancer: E-cigarette vapor can contain cancer-causing formaldehyde at levels up to 15 times higher than regular cigarettes, a new study finds. Researchers found that e-cigarettes operated at high voltages produce vapor with large amounts of formaldehyde-containing chemical compounds.
  • Poisoning Concern: One study found that although most E-Cigarette liquid poisoning came from accidentally drinking the E-Cigarette liquid, about one-sixth of the calls were associated to someone inhaling these items. The study found that exposure through the eye and the skin were also reported. Also, large doses of nicotine have a potential for poisoning users, with symptoms from nausea and vomiting, to seizures and respiratory depression.
  • Secondhand Emissions: Two initial studies have found formaldehyde, benzene and tobacco-specific nitrosamines, all carcinogens, coming from secondhand emissions. Other studies have shown that chemicals exhaled by users also contain formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and other potential toxins. There is no evidence that shows E-Cigarettes emissions (secondhand aerosol) are safe for non-users to inhale.

Contact an E-Cigarette Lawyer

personal injury lawyer meeting couple regarding electronic cigarette lawsuitsIf you or someone you know has become ill after using an E-Cigarette you may be able to receive compensation for your medical bills, lost income and pain and suffering, among other losses. Our firm is working with experienced E-Cigarette lawyers, who are investigating these cases. They may be able to file an E-Cigarette lawsuit for you and they charge no fee unless you win an award or settlement. For a free (no obligation) case evaluation, call our toll free number at 1-800-992-6878 or fill out a contact form online.

Author Photo

Paul d’Oliveira

Attorney Paul d’Oliveira has been practicing personal injury and disability law for over 30 years. He started his personal injury law practice in 1989 with two offices in Fall River, MA and East Providence, RI. Today his firm has 16 offices in RI and Southeastern, MA.

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