Millennials Most Dangerous Drivers on the Road

A recent survey of 2,511 drivers conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has revealed that drivers between the ages of 19 and 24, or millennials, are the most dangerous generation of drivers on the road. An astonishing 88.4 percent of the millennials surveyed admitted to speeding, running red lights, and text messaging while driving. While members of all age groups admitted to occasionally driving in this manner, the demographic of millennial drivers exhibited a heightened tendency to engage in such hazardous driving habits. The roads are an increasingly dangerous place for all motorists, and if you have been in a traffic accident in Pawtucket, do not hesitate to contact a Pawtucket car accident lawyer who may file a car accident lawsuit on your behalf.

What Makes Millennials the Worst Generation of Drivers?

Millennial driverAnother AAA survey, which questioned 142 driving instructors pinned the top three most common mistakes made by teen drivers as speeding, distractions, and poor visual scanning. Additional mistakes noted by driving instructors include lack of practice, proper technique, and knowledge of the rules of the road. While these have always been traits of a young driver, the instructors believe this millennial generation of drivers have become worse in the past 10 years due to heightened distractions from the outbreak of smart phone usage and less parent involvement.

Is this Really a Generational Problem, or Are Young Drivers Simply Less Experienced?

Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death among teens in our country today. The U.S. traffic death toll has increased by 15 percent in the last two years, the highest it has been in a decade. In 2014 in the U.S., 270 teens between the ages of 16 and 19 were killed in automobile accidents. In 2015, the U.S. traffic death toll increased by 7 percent, and in 2016, it increased another 15 percent. The recent influx of millennial drivers has undoubtedly made the road a more dangerous place to be. Whether directly attributable to increased cell phone usage, poor technique, or lack of parenting, the negative effect millennial drivers have had on the national traffic death toll is undeniable.

How Can We Remedy This Situation as a Society?

Millennials texting and driving

The solution to this national crisis lays in the hands of the parents. As parents drive, their children observe their behavior. While it may be easy for an experienced driver to forget the fundamentals and successfully operate a vehicle while distracted, parents must remember they are setting an example for their children. My mother constantly reminds me not to use my cell phone while driving, yet every time we are in the car together she is completely distracted by text messages and social media. Although she is cognizant of the dangers associated with this behavior, she is an experienced driver so she ignores the risks. The very idea of experienced drivers ignoring these dangers sets an alarming precedent for new drivers. In light of these studies, we urge parents to take on a larger role in teaching their children to drive in a manner that is safe for everyone on the road.

Contact a Pawtucket Car Accident Lawyer

Pawtucket Car Accident LawyerIf you or someone you know has been injured in a car accident, contact one of our experienced Pawtucket car accident lawyers located at 267 Newport Avenue, Pawtucket, RI 02861. You may be entitled to receive compensation for your medical bills, lost income and pain and suffering, among other losses. No fees are received unless you win your case. For a free (no obligation) case evaluation, call us at 1-401-365-6001 or toll free at 1-800-992-6878. You may also fill out our contact form online.
