Abilify pills

Based on a new study, researchers are saying that the drug Abilify may not be effective at treating depression because its risks of serious side effects outweigh any benefits it may provide. The results of the study were published by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) on July 11. Researchers at the Veterans Affairs (VA) found that Abilify’s benefits for depression were “minor.” The anti-psychotic medication is primarily prescribed to treat depression and mood disorders. Those prescribed Abilify are likely already suffering in their own respect, so this additional suffering from the negative medical side effects have led to many Abilify lawsuits.

What Are The Concerns About Side Effects?

Abilify side effects of gambling

There are a number of growing concerns, particularly about the behavioral side effects. Abilify is known to cause patients to develop compulsive behaviors, such as gambling. Since October 2016, about 200 Abilify lawsuits have been filed by individuals who claimed they became addicted to gambling as a result of taking the drug to treat depression or mood disorders. Abilify users have been known to develop compulsive behavior when it comes to gambling, eating, shopping or having sex. These disorders are linked to the manner in which Abilify acts on the “reward center” in the brain, reinforcing pleasurable activities and producing intense urges to repeat the activity over and over again.

Are There Warnings of These Side Effects?

Several countries in Europe added the “pathological gambling” warning to Abilify’s label. Also in 2015, warnings were provided to Canadian doctors about the link between the drug and compulsive gambling. However, in the United States, Bristol-Myers Squibb, did not take any steps to warn patients or doctors about the risk of such compulsive behavior or uncontrollable urges until May 2016.

Attorneys who are representing patients in Abilify lawsuits say the pharmaceutical company knew about this dangerous side effect, but failed to warn consumers thereby downplaying the risks to protect their profits. Abilify is one of the top-selling drugs in the United States. It was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2002 for treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and chronic depression. It is also used “off-label” to treat aggression and mood swings.

How Does Abilify Affect Real People?

compulsive gambling

There have been many stories about how compulsive gambling can lead to devastating consequences not just for patients, but also for their families. A gambling habit that gets out of hand could lead to financial ruin, causing people to borrow money to feed the habit or even destroy credit scores and deplete whatever savings they have. Some may even pull money out of their children’s college funds or their own retirement savings to satisfy their uncontrollable urges.

Call d’Oliveira & Associates Today!

Lawyer meeting client hurt by AbilifyIf you or a loved one has suffered the harmful effects of Abilify, it is important that you contact an experienced Abilify lawyer who can look into the details of your case and hold the drug manufacturer accountable. Our law firm is working with some of the most experienced Abilify lawyers across the country, who can help you secure maximum compensation for your losses. These lawyers don’t charge any legal fees until they have recovered compensation for you. Call 1-800-992-6878 or fill out a contact form online, for a free consultation and comprehensive case evaluation.


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Paul d’Oliveira

Attorney Paul d’Oliveira has been practicing personal injury and disability law for over 30 years. He started his personal injury law practice in 1989 with two offices in Fall River, MA and East Providence, RI. Today his firm has 16 offices in RI and Southeastern, MA.

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