Allergan textured breast implant

With recent lawsuits against Allergan’s textured breast implants for allegedly causing BIA-ALCL (breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma), concerns have been mounting on how to best detect it and what is the best thing to do if you still have these breast implants. Researchers at the National Cancer Institute released guidelines on how to diagnose patients. The FDA has also given information on what to do if you have these breast implants.

What are the Recommendations?

Allergan Breast Implant ALCL Diagnosis

The recommendations within the researcher’s guidelines say to watch for swelling of the breast, as this is the most common sign of potential BIA-ALCL. This swelling is a result of fluid build-up and should be checked out immediately. This effusion fluid will be evaluated and tested for signs of cancer.

It is also worth noting that the FDA has recommended that patients who currently have this implant do not remove them immediately. Patients should monitor how they feel and watch for symptoms of BIA-ALCL. Early detection of this cancer makes it very treatable. If BIA-ALCL is detected, that is when removal of the breast implant and the surrounding scar tissue should occur. If the cancer is not detected early, then chemotherapy and radiation would be the next form of treatment after the implant and surrounding scar tissue is removed.

It is also recommended that patients keep a record of the product information, including the manufacturer, unique device identifier and model name. This information may be found on a patient device card given to your surgeon.

Contact an Allergan Breast Implant Lawyer

If you have Allergan’s textured breast implants, and have received a diagnosis of BIA-ALCL, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses and damages. We work with knowledgeable Allergan Breast Implant Lawyers across the nation who charge no fee unless you receive a settlement or award. Call us toll-free at 1-800-992-6878 or fill out an online contact form for a free (no obligation) case evaluation.

Allergan Textured breast implant Victim meeting with her Personal Injury Attorney