The family of a Duke Energy lineman, who passed away in 2014, was awarded $27.3 million in a wrongful death lawsuit. According to, the 43-year-old senior lineman died from injuries he suffered after being trapped by a utility pole he was climbing. The man was operating with another worker on some equipment when the incident occurred. It is important to know your legal rights if you or a loved one is injured or killed as a result of a workplace injury. In the unfortunate event that this happens to you, do not hesitate to contact an experienced RI workers’ compensation lawyer to help you with your case.
Do Surviving Family Members Of A Deceased Worker Have Rights?
When a worker is killed on the job, family members can seek and obtain workers’ compensation death benefits. When a worker is injured on the job, he or she can seek workers’ compensation benefits from the employer to cover medical expenses and a portion of lost wages. However, in such situations, negligence on the part of a third party is usually to blame. In this particular case, the plaintiffs alleged that a third party (party other than the employer), failed to do their job properly. In addition to receiving workers’ compensation benefits, families can also file a third-party claim against the at-fault party seeking compensatory and punitive damages.
What Should I Do After Being Injured At Work?
There are a number of steps injured workers would be well advised to take if they are injured at work. First and foremost, report the incident to a supervisor right away and obtain a copy of that report for your own records. This report should have the date, location and details of the injury. Next, seek and obtain a medical evaluation and treatment for any injuries you may have suffered. It is of great importance that you to talk to anyone who may have witnessed the incident and can corroborate your account of how it happened. Be sure to obtain the names and contact information of any and all eyewitnesses. Also, try to preserve all physical evidence at the scene, including any type of equipment that caused your injuries. Keep record of all expenses relating to your injury.
Contact Us Today!
The experienced Rhode Island workers’ compensation attorneys here at d’Oliveira & Associates understand the impact that on-the-job injuries can have on both the injured worker and his or her family. We understand that when families lose a loved one on the job, they also lose a wage-earner and often their main source of income. Our lawyers go the extra mile to help struggling families get the justice and compensation they rightfully deserve. Call us at 1-800-992-6878 or fill out a contact form online to obtain more information about pursuing your legal rights.