Summer is a great time to enjoy the sun, barbecue, have a bonfire, or watch fireworks. It is also a season where many people suffer burns. These types of injuries range in severity from first degree (least severe) to fourth degree (most severe). First degree and second degree burns affects the top layers of skin and may cause blistering. These can usually be treated at home and heal relatively fast. Third and fourth degree burns affect every layer of skin and can even destroy nerve endings. These types of injuries may require skin grafts and can cause permanent scarring and disfigurement (i).
According to the CDC, approximately 1.1 million people seek medical treatment because of these injuries every year. Of these people, about 50,000 are hospitalized and 20,000 have wounds affecting more than 25% of their body. Additionally, every year 4,500 people die due from these injuries and another 10,000 people die from burn-related infections (i). People who have suffered this type of wound should talk to a lawyer about filing a burn injury lawsuit.
During the summertime people should be especially aware of the dangers of sunburn and fireworks. The Providence Journal recently addressed the dangers of burns in its article on firework and sun safety. The article warned that children should never handle fireworks and a person should never stand over a firework while lighting it. People should always keep water nearby when these types of explosives are being lit. In order to avoid severe sunburns, people should wear clothes, a wide brimmed hat, and sunglasses. They should also apply sunscreen that is SPF 30 or higher and it should be reapplied regularly (ii).
Attorney Paul d’Oliveira stated, “I have seen how these types of injuries have impacted the lives of the people I have represented. Burns can severely limit a person’s ability to do routine activities and in some cases they can even be disabling. Another thing many people do not realize is the significant cost of hospitals bills and rehabilitation. Our new infographic explains burns and also emphasizes the importance of proper treatment, as infections are common among these types of wounds.”
d’Oliveira & Associates is an injury and disability law firm with offices in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts. The attorneys at the firm are sensitive to their client’s interests and they strive to provide excellent legal services. They also work with burn injury lawyers who can file a lawsuit. There is no legal fee unless their client receives a settlement or award. Contact our firm by calling 1-(508) 252-8510 or by filling out a confidential online contact form.
- (i) Center for Disease Control and Prevention. - (ii) Providence Journal, July 3, 2013.