On December 3, 2015, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) will observe its first National Day of Remembrance to honor those killed or injured due to drunk driving, drugged driving and underage drinking. Events will take place in cities across the country and will consist of tributes throughout the day from morning gatherings and luncheons to evening events and candlelight vigils. MADD hopes this national event will provide an opportunity for the public to come together, nationwide and online, in a display of support for victims and survivors of these tragedies.
The Severity Of Driving Under The Influence (DUI)
Each day in the United States, 28 people are killed in DUI related car accidents. That is one person killed every 52 minutes. Every two minutes, someone in the country is injured in a DUI crash. Annually, more than 10,000 people are killed and 290,000 are injured as a result of drunk and drugged drivers. It is not just victims who suffer through the aftermath, but also survivors and families of loved ones. What is remarkable about DUIs is that they are preventable.
What Can You Do?
If you would like to participate in MADD’s National Day of Remembrance to draw attention to this preventable crime and create more awareness in your community, you can attend events planned in your area by visiting madd.org. You can also participate online. Victims and survivors of DUI drivers are invited to post an image of their loved ones using #MADDremembers via their social media accounts or on MADD’s Facebook page. You may also visit madd.org/placesetting to create a virtual place setting and honor a victim.
Speak With A Car Accident Lawyer
This event is a wonderful way to educate communities across the nation about the dangers of drunk driving, drugged driving and underage drinking. These remain serious problems in most of our communities today. The Rhode Island car accident lawyers at d’Oliveira & Associates wholeheartedly support this event and are available to assist victims and survivors. If you or someone you know has been injured by a drunk or drugged driver, speak to one of our experienced Rhode Island car accident lawyers. You may be entitled to receive compensation for your medical bills, lost income and pain and suffering, among other losses. No fees are received unless you win your case. For a free (no obligation) case evaluation, call us toll free at 1-800-992-6878 or fill out our contact form online.