July 26, 2019
MA Workers’ Compensation Infographic
In Massachusetts, the law requires all employers to provide employees with workers’ compensation coverage. Workers’ compensation is an insurance program that provides benefits to employees to cover certain types of losses that result from an injury in the workplace. Although required by law, 50% of the times employees who file a workers’ compensation claim are…
March 25, 2014
Injuries and Illnesses That May Make You Consider a Beryllium Lawsuit
Beryllium is a rare toxic element found in volcanic dust, soil, coal, and certain minerals. It is a strong and naturally occurring metal that is released from burning coal and oil and settles on land and water. It is found in plants and some minerals, and is also present in extremely low levels in the…
October 29, 2013
d’Oliveira & Associates Release New Infographic and Video Explaining MA Car Accident Law and Statistics
According to the most recent statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in just one year Massachusetts had 337 traffic fatalities. 114 deaths were alcohol-related while 103 deaths were speed-related. It is estimated that these accidents cost $394 million due to medical costs and work loss. The statistics from the NHTSA did show…
September 13, 2013
RI Injury Lawyers Release New Healthcare Infections Infographic
Hospital infections can be caused by improper sterilization practices, unsanitary hospital conditions, or using single-use medical devices for multiple patients. Government statistics show that every 1.7 million people contract a hospital-related infection causing close to 99,000 deaths. The most common illnesses caused by this condition are pneumonia, bloodstream infections, urinary tract infections, and surgical site…
September 11, 2013
RI Personal Injury Lawyers Release New Emergency Room Mistakes Infographic
The emergency room (ER) is a busy place but hospital staff still has a duty to meet the standard of care. This means recognizing which patients need treatment right now and which patients can wait. The failure to meet this standard of care can result in the failure to diagnose, delayed diagnosis, or misdiagnosis. According…
September 9, 2013
RI Personal Injury Law Firm Posts New Failure to Diagnose Heart Attacks Infographic
The heart is one of the most important organs in the body, which is why it is categorized as a “vital organ.” It follows then that any problems with this organ have the potential to cause serious injuries. According to the CDC, 785,000 people have an initial heart attack and 470,000 have a second heart…
September 9, 2013
RI Personal Injury Lawyers Release New Surgical Errors Infographic
According to the CDC, there are more than 51 million inpatient surgeries in the United States each year. These procedures include endoscopy, hip and knee replacement, hysterectomy, and open heart surgery (i). Doctors and surgeons have a duty to provide patients with treatment that meets the reasonable the standard of care. This includes avoiding errors…
August 20, 2013
RI Injury and Disability Lawyer Releases New Infographic About Injuries Fishing and Maritime Injuries
Many residents of Rhode Island and Massachusetts earn their living by working on the open seas. These seamen face dangerous conditions every day and injuries are common while at sea. It is important for seamen to be aware that they may be entitled to recover for their injuries under the Jones Act. This federal statute…
August 20, 2013
RI Injury Law Firm Releases New Bus Accidents Infographic
According to the Department of Transportation, motor coaches make more than 750 million passengers trips each year in the United States. Statistics show that on average 17 passengers die each year while making these trips. The most dangerous bus accidents were rollovers causing 61% of deaths followed by running off the road and multi-vehicle collisions….
August 16, 2013
RI Injury Law Firm Releases New Construction Accidents Infographic
Millions of Americans work in the construction industry. These carpenters, crane operators, electricians, iron workers, laborers, plumbers, and roofers engage in physical labor that can often be dangerous. According to Yahoo Finance, three types of construction jobs are among the “10 Most Dangerous Jobs in the U.S.” The article includes iron and steel workers, laborers,…