Did a dog bite you or a loved one in Rhode Island? If so, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, scarring, and other related damages. Many dog owners have insurance to pay for these claims. Our experienced Rhode Island dog bite lawyers do not charge any fees unless we obtain a settlement or award on your behalf. Our firm has a proven track record of winning dog bite cases in Rhode Island; read about some of our largest dog bite settlements here. You can contact our firm anytime by calling 800-992-6878 or completing an online contact form for a free case evaluation.
Rhode Island Dog Bite: What You Need to Know
What Is Considered a “Vicious Dog” In Rhode Island?

Rhode Island law defines a “vicious dog” in four (4) ways. A dog can be deemed “vicious” if one (1) of the below descriptions applies:
- The dog, when unprovoked, approaches a person in an aggressive or terrorizing way, in which it appears that the dog will attack someone while on public property.
- The dog has a tendency—without provocation—to attack, injure, or endanger the safety of people or domestic animals.
- The dog bites, injures, assaults, or attacks a person or domestic animal on public or private property, without being provoked.
- The dog is kept or trained to fight other dogs, and the Rhode Island Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RISPCA) has evaluated the dog.
Dog Bite Laws in Rhode Island
In Rhode Island, dog bites are regulated by law. There are two (2) possible legal concepts that RI uses when dogs bite:
- Strict Liability
- RI General Law § 4-13-16 provides that dog owners are automatically responsible for any injuries that their dogs cause.
- Applies when a dog bites someone anywhere except the owner’s private property. It does not matter whether the owner knew their dog was dangerous.
- One-Bite Rule
- The One-Bite Rule was created by RI courts.
- Applies when a person is bitten on the owner’s private property. To be liable, the owner must have known about the dog’s dangerous tendencies.
Common Dog Bite Injuries
Dog bites can result in various injuries, depending on the attack’s intensity. Less severe dog bites can cause cuts, puncture wounds, and bruising. More serious dog bites might lead to fractured bones, crushed organs, and loss of body tissue, as well as permanently disabling, deforming, or scarring the victim. Additionally, being bitten by a dog can be traumatic. A dog bite victim may experience psychological distress, anxiety, phobias, and depression that can impact their daily life.
Other possible dog bite injuries include:
- Pain and suffering
- Disfigurement
- Infections
- Rabies
- Amputations
- Wrongful Death
What Should I Do After a Dog Bite Injury?

- Seek medical attention as soon as possible. Communicate all details of the attack to your treating medical professional so they can document your injuries.
- Get the name, address, and contact information of the dog owner.
- Speak with any witnesses who may have seen the dog bite and gather their contact information.
- Document everything you can about the scene of the attack and exactly what happened. If possible, take photos of the scene.
- Photograph your dog bite injury.
- File a police report. Click here for the RI Department of Environmental Management’s animal bite guidelines.
- Consider hiring a RI dog bite lawyer to determine whether you have a claim and to help you financially recover for your dog bite injuries.
Who Is Responsible for My Dog Bite Injury?
Usually, the dog owner (or their insurance company) must compensate the dog bite victim for their injuries.
However, there are limited situations where the owner is not responsible. If another party was caring for the dog when it attacked someone—like a kennel company—then that party may be liable for the victim’s injuries. Likewise, if a landlord allowed a tenant to own a vicious dog on their property, then they may be accountable. Similarly, when a minor (person under eighteen (18) years of age) owns a dog that bites, then the minor’s parents may be responsible to pay for the victim’s injuries.
Learn more about who can be held responsible for your dog bite injury here.
Can I Get a Dog Bite Settlement?
If you were seriously hurt by a dog bite, then you may be able to recover compensation for your injuries, including your medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, mental anguish, scarring, and other related losses. Dog owners in Rhode Island are automatically responsible for their dogs’ conduct. Many dog owners have insurance policies that cover personal injuries caused by dogs.
Our seasoned Rhode Island dog bite lawyers have settled many dog bite cases over the past thirty-five (35) years, so we know how to get the compensation you deserve.
Why Should I Hire a Lawyer for My Rhode Island Dog Bite?
Foremost, a RI dog bite lawyer can help you determine whether you have a claim. Dog bite laws vary depending on the attack’s location, so hiring a lawyer ensures that your case is properly filed and prepared.
Additionally, a lawyer will always advocate for your best interests. Indeed, our firm’s dog bite lawyers are experts in negotiating with insurance companies, so that you can obtain the settlement you deserve. Our attorneys have been settling dog bite cases for over three (3) decades, so we can help settle your dog bite claim too. In the unlikely event that a settlement is not reached, our lawyers are prepared and eager to fight in court on your behalf.
Ultimately, hiring a lawyer means that you can focus on your recovery without worrying about paperwork, interacting with insurance companies, and the legal process.
How Do I Find a Good Dog Bite Lawyer in Rhode Island?
Below are some helpful tips for finding a good dog bite lawyer in RI:
- Use an online search engine and explore various lawyers’ websites.
- Determine where the lawyer is licensed to practice law. You will need a lawyer licensed in where you live or where the dog bite happened.
- Select a lawyer who has extensive experience in dog bite cases. Otherwise, they might not be qualified to handle your case. Our firm has decades of experience in successfully resolving dog bite cases in Rhode Island, and we can help win yours.
- Choose an attorney who has a good record of winning settlements for their clients. This may increase your chances of obtaining a favorable settlement as well. Click here to read about the settlements our firm has won for our clients’ dog bite injuries.
- Finally, you should read reviews from former clients about their experiences with the lawyer. Click here to watch real former clients of our firm tell their stories.
How Long Do I Have to File a Dog Bite Claim in Rhode Island?
According to Rhode Island law, injured dog bite victims have three (3) years from the date of injury to file a dog bite lawsuit. However, you should not wait to file a claim! Contact an experienced RI dog bite lawyer as soon as possible so that they can maximize your compensation. Dog bite cases can be complex, so ensuring that your attorney has enough time to gather witnesses and evidence is crucial.
Why Do Dogs Bite?

Dogs bite people for various reasons, but typically, dogs attack due to:
- Overly aggressive play
- Anger
- Stress
- Fear
- Past abuse
- Protecting themselves, offspring, toys, or owners
- Training
- Illness
Will I Need to Go to Court for My RI Dog Bite Case?
You will probably not need to go to court for your dog bite case. Our firm settles ninety-five percent (95%) of our clients’ cases out of court. It is unlikely that you will go to court for your dog bite claim, but if you do, our firm is not afraid to stand up for your rights in the courtroom.
What If a Dog Attacks My Pet in Rhode Island?
Under Rhode Island law, if a dog attacks a person’s pet—or any domestic animal—then the dog’s owner (or their insurance company) is responsible for compensating you for your damages, as long as that domestic animal was not provoking the dog. Contact an experienced dog bite lawyer to help you determine what kinds of compensation you can get for your injured or deceased pet.
What Are Some Defenses the Dog Owner Could Raise?
When you file a dog bite lawsuit, the dog owner may raise defenses to your claim to reduce their responsibility. If you have questions about dog bite defenses, a RI dog bite lawyer can help. Some of the most common defenses that dog bite owners assert include:
The dog owner might argue that you provoked the dog’s attack by teasing, tormenting, or abusing the animal. If proven, the dog owner may not be liable for your injuries.
Trespassing occurs when a person enters another’s property without their permission. If you were trespassing when a dog bit you, then the dog owner can argue that they are not responsible for your injuries, even if they knew their dog was dangerous.
Assumption of the Risk
Assumption of the risk means that a person knew of the dog’s danger but chose to accept the risks anyway. In these situations, the dog owner may not be liable because the other person agreed to interact with the dog despite knowing of its dangers. Typically, this defense is raised when veterinarians or dog groomers are bitten.
This defense and exceptions are complicated, so be sure to consult an experienced RI dog bite lawyer to learn the full scope of this concept.
What Are the Typical Treatments for Dog Bites?

Medical treatments for dog bites depend on the type and severity of your injuries. Typically, dog bite injuries require stitches, wound care, and antibiotics. More serious injuries may require surgery, skin grafts, and physical therapy. Mental injuries, such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD, may require ongoing medical treatment and therapy.
You should get examined by a medical professional as soon as possible after you have been attacked. A medical provider can properly assess your injuries and determine the best treatment options for you.
What If a Dog Bit Me On Someone Else’s Property?
If a dog bit you on someone else’s property, then the One-Bite Rule may apply. This rule provides that the dog’s owner is liable for your injuries sustained on their property, but only if they knew that the dog was dangerous. Dog bite cases can be complicated, so you should contact an experienced dog bite lawyer to learn more.
Dog Attacks on FedEx, Amazon, UPS, or Food Delivery Drivers
Many people rely on delivery services for their mail, packages, takeout food, and groceries. While many delivery drivers are trained to make deliveries without startling dogs, some are not educated on how to interact with dogs. This lack of training may set the stage for dog attacks, as untrained delivery drivers might unintentionally threaten dogs and be seen as dangerous.
Delivery drivers can prevent dog attacks by avoiding aggressive body language, such as swinging one’s arms when walking and attempting to pet the dog.
Sometimes, dog attacks are not preventable. If you are a delivery driver and being attacked by a dog, try to use the package as a shield between you and the animal. If the dog knocks you down, play dead, curl into a ball, and use your arms to protect your neck, face, and ears. Do not fight back if the dog bites you; try to remain calm and motionless.
If you are a delivery driver and have been attacked by a dog, you may be eligible to recover compensation for your injuries from the dog’s owner. You might also be able to file a workers’ compensation claim. Dog bite claims by delivery drivers can become complex, so speak with a lawyer to determine your options.
Some of Our Firm’s Largest Dog Bite Settlements
$400,000 Settlement – Our young client was visiting his friend’s home when the friend’s dog attacked him and latched onto his nose. Our client underwent plastic surgery for his injuries.
$350,000 Settlement – A dog attacked our client so severely that they required surgery and skin grafts.
$300,000 Settlement – Our client sustained deep puncture wounds from an ankle bite that required physical therapy to treat.
$300,000 Settlement – After being bitten on her face and chest by a dog, our client suffered severe lacerations and puncture wounds.
$250,000 Settlement – Our client was about to throw a ball when they were viciously attacked by a dog, which caused extensive and painful injuries to their face and arms.
Contact Us Today!
If you have sustained a dog bite, you may be eligible to be compensated for your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, among other losses. You are likely to recover more compensation if you have an experienced dog bite lawyer on your side to investigate and deal with insurance companies. To discuss your dog bite case with an experienced RI lawyer, contact our firm 24/7 by calling 800-992-6878 or filling out an online contact form for a free case evaluation.
Our Firm’s Rhode Island Offices
- Coventry Office
- 401 Arnold Rd., Coventry, RI 02816
- Phone: (401) 823-3444
- Cranston Office
- 751 Reservoir Ave, Cranston, RI 02910
- Phone: (401) 275-2039
- East Providence Office
- 2540 Pawtucket Ave, East Providence, RI 02914
- Phone: (401) 343-6340
- Johnston Office
- 1395 Atwood Ave #209F, Johnston, RI 02919
- Phone: (401) 490-3549
- Middletown Office
- 1521 W Main Rd., Middletown, RI 02842
- Phone: (401) 846-5449
- Pawtucket Office
- 267 Newport Ave., Pawtucket, RI 02861
- Phone: (401) 365-6001
- Portsmouth Office
- 1 Tower Dr. Unit 1505, Portsmouth, RI 02871
- Phone: (401) 343-6340
- Providence Office
- 390 Broadway, Providence, RI 02909
- Phone: (401) 831-8600
- South Kingstown Office
- 117 Main St. 2nd Floor, South Kingstown, RI 02879
- Phone: (401) 490-4332
- Warwick Office
- 120 Lavan St. Suite 1, Warwick, RI 02888
- Phone: (401) 490-6907
- Woonsocket Office
- 345 N. Main St. Suite 1, Woonsocket, RI 02895
- Phone: (401) 762-4006
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