If you or a loved one has been injured in a bicycle accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering, among other losses. Our firm is experienced in these cases and charge no legal fee until you receive a bicycle accident settlement or award. Call us toll free 24/7 at 1-(401) 200-4060 or fill out an online contact form for a free (no obligation) case evaluation.
RI Bicycle Accident Lawyer: What You Need to Know
How Much Is My Bicycle Accident Case Worth?
If you are personally injured in a bicycle accident due to the fault of another person, we may be able to get you a settlement for your medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering, among other losses. The insurance company wants to pay you as little as possible for pain and suffering because this means more profit for their company. This is where our years of experience in representing Rhode Island bicycle accident victims can benefit you in your personal injury claim. Read more.
What Are Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents?
Bicycle accidents can be caused in a number of different ways. Cyclists are frequently struck by cars, motorcycles, or buses, and are injured or killed as a result. In fact, research shows that up to 90% of fatal bike crashes are the result of head trauma. Negligent drivers can also be a cause of bike accidents due to:
- Drunk driving
- Driver’s failure to look both ways before turning or after stopping for a stop sign or stop light
- Distracted driving (text messaging, changing the radio station, phone calls, etc.)
- Driver running a red light/stop sign
- Operator turns directly into the bicyclist
- Car operator drives too closely to the cyclist
Due to the new health movement and the increasing price of oil, many cities have seen a large increase in bicycle traffic. Cities have tried to respond by creating bicycle lanes, but very often drivers ignore the road rights of bicyclists. Motor vehicle operators must be vigilant when sharing the road with bicycle riders. A bicycle accident can completely overturn your life. You may be entitled to compensation for your injuries sustained in a bicycle accident.
Bicycle Accident Statistics
There has been a spike in the number of Americans riding bicycles for exercise and leisure, or for commuting to work, especially since the pandemic. With this rise in bicyclists, there has also been a rise in bike-involved accidents.
Rhode Island has been rated “one of the top ten safest states” for bicyclists in recent years, but bike-involved accidents and bicyclist injuries and fatalities still occur.
The number of pedestrian and cyclist deaths in traffic accidents rose 58% from 2011-2021.
Rhode Island Bicycle Laws
There are many laws governing operation of bicycles in Rhode Island. Some of the laws that apply to many RI bicyclists include:
- Under RI General Laws § 31-19-2.1, helmets are required to be worn by all bicyclists, bike passengers, skateboarders, scooter riders, and inline skaters under the age of 15 in public areas which have right of way.
- Bicyclists are allowed to ride on sidewalks under § 31-19-12, but they must yield to pedestrians or audibly signal if they are going to pass a pedestrian.
- When operating a bicycle on a roadway, the rider should stay as close to the right side of the road as possible within reason under § 31-19-6.
- All bicycles used at night must have a front headlight, a red rear reflector, pedal reflectors visible from the front and back, reflectors indicating the size and shape of the wheels, and adequate brakes under § 31-19-10.
What Should I Do After a Bicycle Accident?
After you receive any necessary emergency medical attention for your injuries, there will be an investigation of the accident to determine liability.
To build your strongest case, make sure you have photos of your bike and any vehicles or other obstacles that were involved in the accident. Get the insurance and contact information of any other cyclists, drivers, or pedestrians involved. If possible, get the contact information of witnesses to the accident. Be sure to tell your medical provider the details of all of your injuries and symptoms and ask that there be detailed notes regarding your injuries, the doctor’s treatment plan, and your prognosis.
Get a copy of your police report. The best ways to get your police report are:
- by going to www.BuyCrash.com using the accident report number and purchasing an online copy, or
- by mailing Rhode Island State Police: Accident Bureau, 311 Danielson Pike, North Scituate, RI 02857 a $15 check or money order payable to “The State of Rhode Island.” Include the name of the driver, the date of the accident, and the accident report number with your request.
Possible Bicycle Accident Injuries
- Head injury
- Scrapes & bruises
- Broken or fractured bones
- Sprains & strains
- Neck injuries
- Herniated disc or spinal cord injury
- Internal bleeding or organ damage
What Are the Legal Fees?
You will not pay anything unless and until our firm secures an award or settlement of your bicycle accident claim. If we win your case, then we will receive a fee from your recovery. Until then, there are no fees charged while we build your strongest case.
Why Should I Hire a Bicycle Accident Lawyer?
If you are in a bicycle accident, we recommend that you speak with an experienced bicycle accident lawyer before you speak with the insurance company claims adjuster, because anything you say can be used against you. We are familiar with the tactics the insurance company will use in an attempt to lower your settlement offer.
Additionally, internal insurance company studies show people who hire lawyers get up to 40% more for their settlements. “A good lawyer doesn’t cost you more, they get you more.” However, if you do decide to handle the case on your own, here are some helpful tips when dealing with insurance companies. Read more.
Contact d’Oliveira & Associates
If you or one of your loved one has been injured by a negligent driver while riding a bicycle, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering, among other losses. A RI bicycle accident lawyer would be happy to speak with you about your potential claim. In fact, d’Oliveira & Associates provides a free (no obligation) case evaluation if you just call us toll free at 1-(401) 200-4060 or fill out a contact form for a free legal consultation.
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