Zinbryta (daclizumab) has been globally recalled due to alleged side effects causing encephalitis (severe brain inflammation) and death. You may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering, among other damages. We are working with some of the most experienced Zinbryta lawyers across the country. There is no charge and no fee unless you get an award or settlement. For a free (no obligation) case evaluation, call our toll-free number 24/7 at 1-800-992-6878 or fill out an online contact form.
Have You Sustained Injuries After Taking Zinbrya?
You May Have a Claim.
What Is Zinbryta?
It is a multiple sclerosis (MS) injection drug for treating patients with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis. The drug treats patients by reducing the activity of the cells that attack the immune system. The active ingredient, daclizumab, joins itself with immune cells to reduce these attacks. Biogen and Abbvie manufacture Zinbryta and it has been used by about 8,000 patients worldwide.

Why Is Zinbryta Considered Dangerous?
Zinbryta was only available through a program where patients failed to respond to other forms of multiple sclerosis treatment. This program is called the Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS). Zinbryta was on this program due to a risk of liver injury, toxicity of the liver, through Zinbryta side effects.
A couple of years after its introduction, some Zimbryta patients alleged exhibiting other side effects involving swelling and inflammation of the brain (encephalitis), causing the drug to be globally recalled. The European Medicines Agency recommended the drugs ban after 12 cases of severe swelling in the brain were reported worldwide. Now, Zibryta lawyers are looking into this matter as a potential product liability case.
What To Know About Zinbryta Lawsuits?
While Biogen and Abbvie listed potential complications involving the drug, the alleged side effect concerning severe inflammation of the brain was not within the warnings specified. Out of the 12 reported cases involving brain inflammation, three (3) were fatal. One suit filed involved a woman who was given Zinbryta after her current treatment was not working. She alleges after being given Zinbryta that she lost her hair and was covered in lesions. She names both Biogen and the doctor that gave her Zinbryta in her suit, seeking an unspecified amount of damages for fraud and negligence. Due to these rising concerns, Zinbryta lawyers are looking into the possibility of a class-action lawsuit.

Zinbryta History Timeline
- March 12, 2007 – Primary endpoint met in phase 2 trial of Daclizumab.
- October 12, 2007 – Phase 2 data shows reduced multiple sclerosis lesions in patients.
- February 16, 2010 – Data published by The Lancet Neurology states Daclizumab shows potential.
- August 9, 2011 – Announcement of positive results from first registrational trial.
- April 29, 2015 – FDA accepts Zinbryta application.
- May 27, 2016 – FDA approves Zinbryta.
- March 2, 2018 – Withdrawal of Zinbryta after global reports of alleged inflammation of the brain associated with the drug.
What Are the Alleged Zinbryta Side Effects?
- Abdominal Pain
- Encephalitis
- Fever
- Liver Problems/Failure
- Nausea
- Skin Lesions
- Tiredness
- Vomiting
- Yellowing of Skin or Eyes
Contact an Experienced Zinbryta Lawyer Today!

If you or a loved one have taken Zinbryta and have been diagnosed with encephalitis, you may be entitled to compensation for lost wages, medical bills and pain and suffering, among other losses. We work with some of the most experienced Zinbryta lawyers in the country, who are ready to talk to you about a potential case. Call us today toll-free 24/7 at 1-800-992-6878 or fill out an online contact form for a free (no obligation) case evaluation.
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