A Massachusetts man recently obtained an $800,000 out of court settlement from Unum Insurance Company for a long term disability claim. Our firm remained jointly responsible for this case, which was litigated by a nationally well-known UNUM disability benefits lawyer in California. The man had been treated for a number of infectious diseases, which rendered him unable to work since 2013.
Attorney Paul d’Oliveira stated, “This is the largest settlement I have ever seen against a long term disability insurance company in my 31 years of practice. UNUM Insurance Company is the largest long term disability carrier in the country. They often do not want to fully honor their contractual obligations to pay people for the long term disability benefits that they have paid for. It is unfortunate, but it happens. I feel this man got a very nice settlement of his claim.”
Long Term Disability (LTD) insurance covers a person who is disabled for a prolonged period of time. This can range from five (5) years to retirement age. LTD covers ailments and disabilities that would prevent you from working. However, these infirmities do not have to be work related. In fact, many are not work-related. What is covered under this form of insurance varies from policy to policy. You will need to read your policy carefully to know the extent of your coverage. However, some examples may include cancer, chronic illnesses, or mental illnesses.
Contact an Experienced UNUM Long Term Disabilities Lawyer Today!
You need to be informed of the rights you have regarding your insurance policy. If you feel you were unjustly denied UNUM Long Term Disability, contact our firm. We work with lawyers who can file a lawsuit on your behalf and fight for your rights. They charge no fee unless you win your case. Contact us toll-free at 1-(508) 252-8510 or fill out a contact form online for a free (no obligation) case evaluation.

Social Security Disability
RI Social Security Disability
MA Social Security Disability