Editor’s note: This is the second in our four-part blog series about distracted driving.
Read the first part here.

woman about to crash car due to not having her eyes on the road

We know by now that distracted driving in any form is extremely dangerous and see examples of it every day in the media. For example, we hear the horror stories about texting and driving, read statistics about car accidents caused by using handheld cell phones and listen to reports about drivers who caused a tragic accident from taking their eyes off the road just for a moment. That’s all it takes – a moment. When you are on the road, things can change in a fraction of a second and lives can be turned upside down in an instant.

Tips to Keep You From Getting Distracted

There are a number of steps you can take to stay focused and be a safe driver. Here are a few tips to help you avoid getting distracted while driving:


    • It’s okay to put your phone on silent. A ringing or buzzing phone from calls, text messages and updates will demand your attention. Silencing your phone will still allow you receive all of your calls and messages. You can check them when you arrive at your destination and maintain your focus on driving.
    • Your cell phone is not the only source of distraction in your vehicle. It also helps if you get organized and ready before you start driving. For example, if you are traveling to an unfamiliar location, set your GPS before you hit the gas. In this manner, you can keep your eyes on the road instead of your GPS.
    • Make use of your passengers. If you must send a text or respond to an email, ask your passengers to do it for you. If you get lost, ask them to reset the GPS or check the map so you can focus on driving.
    • Don’t get into serious discussions or arguments when you are driving. When you do so, you are forced to turn and look at the person with whom you are having a conversation. This is how a number of crashes occur. Save all of these types of conversations for later.

driver using hands free device to keep her eyes on the road

    • Remember, hands-free technology can still distract you. Even though you may have your hands on the wheel, your mind and attention are still off the road. Use these devices only sparingly and when they are absolutely necessary. If it is an emergency, pull over.
  • Use your Smartphone to your advantage. Use an app that can disable texting, send an automated response or hold calls while you are driving.

If You Have Been Injured

victim of distracted driving meeting with a ri personal injury lawyerIf you or someone you know has been injured by a distracted driver, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical expenses, pain and suffering and lost income, among other losses. A Rhode Island car accident lawyer can help you better understand all of your options. Experienced car accident lawyers at d’Oliveira & Associates can help you. Our firm charges no legal fees unless you receive a settlement or award. For a free no obligation case evaluation, call us toll-free at 1-800-992-6878 or fill out a contact form online.