We at d’Oliveira & Associates know that if your baby has suffered a birth injury, you might be wondering whether labor and delivery errors contributed to your baby’s suffering. We understand that you are upset, stressed, and scared. We help people like you every day. Here is some information to help you. It’s about labor and delivery errors that result in birth injuries.
Types of Birth Injuries
- Clavicle fractures (broken collarbone)
- Brachial plexus injuries (Erb’s Palsy and Klumpke’s Palsy; nerve damage)
- Femur fractures (broken thigh bone)
- Bruising
- Subconjunctival hemorrhage (blood in the eye)
- Caput succedaneum (swelling of the head)
- Cephalohematoma (bleeding between bone and its fibrous sheath covering)
- Facial paralysis
- Brain damage (brain damage is the leading cause of Cerebral Palsy)
Signs that the Labor and Delivery Errors may have caused your Baby’s Birth Injury
- Medical personnel indicating that something during your labor and delivery should have been done differently or that something shouldn’t have happened as it did.
- If your baby is admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
- A medical specialist visits your baby.
- Forceps or vacuum extraction were used.
- Your baby was either blue at birth or did not cry at birth.
- Your baby scored low on the Apgar test. Apgar scores range from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest possible score.
- A cesarean is performed after hours and hours of attempted natural delivery.
- The umbilical cord was wrapped around your baby’s neck during delivery.
- Your baby’s heart rate dropped during delivery.
- The baby has to stay in the hospital more than one night.
Your Baby may be the Victim of Medical Malpractice
Labor and delivery errors are medical malpractice. If any medical professional fails to follow proper medical procedures for your baby’s care, malpractice has occurred. You and your baby can receive financial compensation for medical malpractice as well as for pain and suffering.
Where to get help.
If you suspect that labor and delivery errors may have caused your child’s birth injuries, call d’Oliveira & Associates today (1-800-992-6878). We understand the legal, medical, and insurance systems and can help you to receive the financial compensation you need and deserve.
Your legal consultation and case analysis are absolutely free and you don’t pay any legal fees or case expenses unless we get money for you.
The Statute of Limitations – Don’t Miss the Deadline.
You must file your medical malpractice claim before the state mandated time limit expires. The time limit is called the “statute of limitations.” If the statute of limitations expires, your claim and your baby’s claim, will be forever barred. This means that you will not be able to recover for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other potential life-long expenses.
What should you do if you think your baby has suffered birth injuries due to labor and delivery errors? Protect your baby’s rights, pay your bills, and keep more money in your pocket. Email us or call us now for FREE case evaluation. For your convenience, our telephones are answered 24 hours a day and 7 days a week (1-800-992-6878).
Social Security Disability
RI Social Security Disability
MA Social Security Disability