Allergan textured breast implants have been recalled as lawsuits allege they cause a rare form of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. You may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses and pain and suffering, among other damages. We are working with some of the most experienced Allergan breast implant lawyers across the country. There is no fee unless you get an award or settlement. For a free (no obligation) case evaluation, call our toll-free number 24/7 at 1-(508) 252-8510 or fill out an online contact form.
Have You Sustained Injuries From Allergan Breast Implants?
You May Have a Claim.
What are Allergan Breast Implants?
Allergan textured breast implants were commonly used for breast augmentation, reduction and reconstruction surgeries. These implants have a BIOCELL textured surface, which is unique only to Allergan. It is with these particular breast implants that severe complications and cancer risks have arisen.
What are the Risks from Allergan Breast Implants?
The FDA requested a recall, in July 2019, of all Allergan BIOCELL textured breast implants for the risk of getting breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), which is a cancer of the immune system. This recall was listed as a class 1 recall, which is the most serious kind of recall. The FDA went so far as to say the risk of getting BIA-ALCL was six (6) times greater than with other breast implants. 481 patients out of the 573 who were reported as having BIA-ALCL had these BIOCELL textured implants, which is 84% of the known cases. Of those cases, 12 have died as a result. It is for these reasons that Allergan breast implant lawyers have begun filing lawsuits on behalf of victims.
Research suggests that Allergan textured breast implants cause inflammation, which in turn forms scar tissue. There are other theories which claim that the surgical site may be contaminated by bacteria. The exact reason why women are getting cancer at a higher rate from these implants are not exactly known.
What to Know About Allergan Breast Implant Lawsuits?
Shortly after the recall, two (2) women filed a complaint in August 2019 against Allergan Inc. While they have not developed BIA-ALCL after having the BIOCELL textured surface breast implants, they now live in fear of developing it in the future. Therefore, they want Allergan Inc. to pay for the removal of the implants and have them replaced as well as pay for medical monitoring for life. Allergan only offered to replace the implants but not pay for the surgery that would entail or the lifelong medical monitoring they wanted.
In December 2019, a multi-district litigation (MDL) was established for all forms of Allergan BIOCELL textured products. Thirty (30) cases were assigned to this MDL. The common questions asked within the MDL are if these implants cause BIA-ALCL, if Allergan Inc. knew of these cancer risks, if they provided adequate warnings about the risk and the overall adequacy of the product.
Allergan Breast Implant History Timeline
- June 2017 – A study from Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery stated that textured implants may increase BIA-ALCL risk as high as 10 to 14 times in comparison to smooth breast implants.
- October 2017 – A separate study warned that many cancer cases involving breast implants are not being reported.
- April 2019 – Canada and France announces ban of Allergan breast implants. Australia requests data on the product.
- May 2019 – US FDA Black Box Warning issued.
- July 2019 – Allergan voluntarily recalls the product
- December 2019 – MDL is established
What Should I do if I Still Have Allergan Breast Implants?

The FDA recommends that if you are not feeling any symptoms of BIA-ALCL to not have the implant removed. Such symptoms may include swelling and pain long after the surgery, changes to the skin of the breast, or unexpected size changes. Early detection of BIA-ALCL is easily treated by the removal of the implant and the scarred tissue surrounding. If not diagnosed early, then the typical treatment is with chemotherapy and radiation. There is, however, a risk that it could still spread to other parts of the body.
Contact an Experienced Allergan Breast Implant Lawyer Today!

If you had the Allergan textured breast implant and have developed BIA-ALCL, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills and pain and suffering, among other losses. We work with some of the most experienced Allergan breast implant lawyers in the country, who are ready to talk to you about a potential case. Call us today toll-free 24/7 at 1-(508) 252-8510 or fill out an online contact form for a free (no obligation) case evaluation.
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