key to winning ssdi claim

What Is The Key To Winning SSDI Claims?

The “key to winning” Social Security Disability claims is by documenting everything related to your disability and the way that it affects your life. The Social Security Administration (SSA) determines Social Security Disability cases based on the amount of “substantially gainful activity” that you are capable of. This includes your ability to work, as well as your ability to live your life similarly to the way that you always have. If you can document the decrease in substantially gainful activity that you have experienced since the onset of your disability, it will be valuable evidence for your claim.

Should I Keep a Diary?

ssdi daily diary

A diary can be helpful in order to show the Judge that you have lost the ability to engage in substantially gainful activity. Helpful things to keep track of are the amount of pain that you are feeling and how that affects you on a day to day basis, your struggles with day to day activities, and sacrifices that you have to make sue to your disability, such as skipping family events or recreational activities.

Should I Keep a Calendar?

It might be helpful for you to keep a calendar where you document all of your doctor’s appointments and other medical appointments. This is helpful for the Judge to see just how much of your time is being consumed due to your disability, and how unreasonable it is to expect somebody to work with such a condition.

What Other Documents Should I Keep?

medical record

Other documents to make sure you keep are medical records from all of your treating physician. It is important to keep all of your appointments like routine primary care visits, emergency room visits, specialist appointments, and physical therapy appointments. Making sure that these appointments are kept not only ensures that you are fully treated and as healthy as possible, it provides evidence for the Judge to base his decision on. Having a paper trail that fully documents your disability is a crucial “key to winning” Social Security Disability claims.

Do You Need Help With Your Social Security Disability Claim?
Call the Social Security Disability Lawyers of d’Oliveira & Associates Today!

Why Hire Us?

Two clients talking to a personal injury lawyer with regards to the key to winning social security claims

If you have a disability that prevents you from working for at least a year, you may be entitled to receive Social Security Disability Benefits. Our experienced RI Social Security Disability lawyers have been handling these claims for years and they know how to get good results for their clients. They charge no fee unless you win your claim and receive past due benefits. For a free (no obligation) case evaluation, call our toll free number 1-800-992-6878 or fill out a contact form on our website.