denied ssd claim and now an UNUM Disability Insurance Lawyer will be needed for help

The attorneys at d’Oliveira & Associates recently recently obtained an award for a 50 year old Pawtucket woman whose case was brought before the Social Security Disability Administration. The woman received $14,300 in past due benefits and will receive $1,400 per month for the rest of her life, along with an annual cost of living increase. She was found to be eligible for SSD Benefits because she suffers from cardiomyopathy or an enlarged heart. She also has vision problems and low blood pressure.

Attorney Robin Gouveia, who manages the Pawtucket Office for d’Oliviera & Associates stated that “It was a pleasure to help this woman obtain the benefits she was entitled to because she was clearly disabled from employment of any kind.  We were able to convince Social Security by presenting medical evidence with a supporting Legal Memorandum advocating her case and by doing so we won her case before the hearing.”

SSD lawyer helping a pawtucket women with her past due benefitsAttorney Paul d’Oliveira, the President of d’Oliveira & Associates stated “I feel that justice was done in this case based on the seriousness of this woman’s physical problems. We find it especially rewarding to help people obtain Social Security Disability Benefits who are unable to work. Everyone who works pays into the Social Security System should be able to collect the benefits that they have paid for when they need it…There are those in our government who want to deprive the disabled and elderly of these benefits because the government is running up huge deficits year after year. I personally feel the wealthiest of Americans should pay more taxes as they would suffer less than those unfortunate individuals who become disabled and unable to earn a living.”