Providence Speed Lumps

As a part of the city’s five year capital improvement plan, Providence just placed 26 new permanent and 46 temporary speed lumps. The temporary lumps are for the purposes of snow removal, so they will be removed during the winter. The city listened to many concerned residents about the excessive speed of vehicles in some areas of Providence. A valid concern as speeding is one of the main causes of car accidents in the United States.

Are Speed Lumps Effective?

You have heard it all: speed bumps, speed humps, and now speed lumps. Although all sounding the same, speed lumps do not stretch across the entirety of the road, while speed bumps do. They are effective in reducing the speed of drivers in areas that are prone to pedestrians being hit by vehicles. Although a tool for safe pedestrian crossing, speed lumps can also be hazardous to drivers.

car damage from Speed lumps

Speed lumps can cause car damage, if not careful when driving over them. In addition, to no fault of the lumps, many drivers unaware of the speed lumps brake too quickly causing the car behind them to crash into them. They are effective when used properly, but unfortunately, distracted drivers bring new dangers to speed lumps and those driving over them.

What to do Right after a Car Accident?

man taking pictures after a Providence car accidentCar accidents can be an instant change in your life. In the moments immediately following the accident, the last thing you will want to consider is taking notes and pictures of the accident in preparation for future litigation. Unfortunately, the litigation process starts instantly and the gathering of proper information is crucial to the success of your future claims for damages. At such a traumatic time, this will be the last thing on your mind. That is why it is best to call an experienced Providence car accident lawyer right away, who can help you with the process.

Contact an Experience Car Accident Lawyer

Providence car accident LawyerIf your or a loved one has been injured in a Providence car accident, please do not hesitate to contact one of our experienced Rhode Island car accident lawyers located at one of our office locations throughout the state. Our lawyers here at d’Oliveira & Associates charge you no legal fees unless we are successful in obtaining the settlement or award you deserve. For a free (no-obligation) case consultation, call us toll-free at 1-800-992-6878 or fill out a contact form online.

