Woman hurt after car accident with police on the scene

d’Oliveira & Associates attorney D. Robin Gouveia recently obtained a $100,000 settlement from Geico Auto Insurance for a Wareham, MA woman whose leg was injured in a car accident. Our client was the passenger of a vehicle insured by Geico when the driver of the car negligently lost control and veered off the road, causing a collision. Because of the accident, our client has been out of work and has had to undergo extensive treatment for the injury she sustained to her leg. Soon after receiving medical treatment, our client called our New Bedford office so we could gather information about her case to get her all the compensation she deserved.

Attorney D. Robin Gouveia said, “This was a case in which the client’s injuries were quite severe.  The policy limits were determined early and medical evidence was immediately sent demanding the full limit be paid.  We advocated for our client and were able to persuade the insurer to pay the full limit.  We also negotiated medical bills and liens to net the client a maximum dollar.”

Contact a New Bedford Car Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one were injured in a car accident, you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering, among other related losses. Our New Bedford Car Accident Lawyers know how to best deal with the insurance company to get you a fair settlement of your claim. Call our New Bedford office at 508-984-8400 or fill out an online contact form for a free (no obligation) case evaluation.

New Bedford auto accident Victims meeting with their Personal Injury Attorney