Leg, Knee and Ankle disorders can drastically affect your life and make it nearly impossible for you to work. These diseases are chronic and cause pain that can be unbearable. The symptoms include pain and stiffness that increases after exercise or putting pressure on it. There often is grinding, rubbing or cracking sounds that occur when moving the joint. These diseases, injuries and disorders are painful and chronic and can keep you from working.
Leg, Knee and Ankle Disorders:
- Rheumatoid Arthritis: A joint disease that is long term and chronic that affects not only the joints but also the body tissue that surrounds those joints. The causes are unknown but it is an autoimmune disease, which means that the body mistakenly attacks healthy tissue and joints. This is a painful disease that can be debilitating and is a lifelong illness.
- Osteoarthritis: This is the most typical form of joint problem that occurs from aging. This disorder is very painful and is caused by excessive wear and tear on the body. When the bone cartilage breaks down in the joints, the bones then have no cushion when they move which is extremely painful. This can be due to lifestyle, obesity, excessive lifting or playing contact sports.
- Amputation: Amputation is a disability that can cause many complications including phantom limb pain, psychological problems and other issues associated with loss of limbs. The psychological and physical effects may include depression, anxiety and actual feelings of pain in the amputated limb.
- Osteoporosis: The reduction of bone tissue and bone density is the most common form of bone disease in Americans. This disease has many different causes that include being bed ridden, low Vitamin D levels, corticosteroid medications, kidney disease and eating disorders. Osteoporosis results in fractures of the bones even when not engaging in strenuous physical activity. Osteoporosis is painful and degenerative.
- Osteomyelitis/Septic Arthritis: Osteomyelitis is an infection of the bone that may be chronic. Skin ulcers that then become infected and infect the skin, muscles or tendons of the body. It is more likely that a person will suffer form osteomyelitis if they have diabetes, hemodialysis, drug use, poor circulation or trauma. This illness creates excessive pain in the bones, chronic fever, sweating, lower back pain and swelling of the feet, ankles and legs.
These diseases are debilitating and keep many Americans out of work for long periods of time. If you or a loved one have a leg, knee or ankle disease that a doctor tells you is going to prevent you from working, contacting an experienced Social Security Disability attorney right away may help protect your rights. As many as three of every four initial applications for Social Security Disability Insurance are denied – you may be able to shorten your wait by hiring an attorney to make sure your application is as complete as possible before you apply.
Contact the Woonsocket Social Security Disability Attorneys of d’Oliveira & Associates
If you have a lawyer prior to filing a claim with the Social Security Administration, your chances of succeeding are nearly doubled. Not only are your chances of success greater, but also you will begin receiving your benefits more quickly. If you plan on, or are currently doing business with the Social Security Administration, call The Law Offices of d’Oliveira & Associates now. We can help to ensure that your claim is processed quickly, efficiently, and successfully. We at d’Oliveira & Associates are highly skilled in the area of Social Security Disability law and have helped many clients successfully. Please contact The Law Offices of d’Oliveira & Associates at 1-800-992-6878 or fill out a contact form for a free legal consultation.
Woonsocket Social Security Disability Attorneys d’Oliveira & Associates345 North Main St.
Woonsocket, RI 02895
(401) 762-4006