If you or a loved one were injured in a car accident in Rhode Island for which you were not at-fault, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost income, and physical and emotional pain and suffering. We charge nothing until we get you a fair settlement for your claim. Call us 24/7 at 800-992-6878 or complete an online contact form for a free case evaluation.

What You Need to Know About Car Accidents in Rhode Island

Winning Rhode Island Car Accident Cases for Decades

Since 1989, our firm’s lawyers have won millions of dollars for our clients who were injured in car accidents in Rhode Island. We efficiently handle our clients’ cases by working as a team and obtaining documentation and evidence as soon as possible. This approach allows our attorneys to quickly negotiate fair settlements with insurance companies to resolve our clients’ auto accident claims in RI.

In February 2023, one of our attorneys settled a car accident case for $390,000 to help our client pay for the costs of his recovery. This client was a passenger in a vehicle that lost control, which caused him to suffer severe injuries that required surgery.

Some other recent auto accident case settlements we have obtained for our clients include:

  • Manville, RI Woman Receives a $500,000 Car Accident Settlement from National Interstate Insurance Company. Read more about this settlement by clicking here.
  • East Providence, RI Woman Receives a $195,000 Auto Accident Settlement from National Continental Insurance Company. Click here to read more about this case.

More than ninety-five (95%) of the cases we handle end in out-of-court settlements. To date, we have recovered more than $250 million in settlements for our clients’ personal injuries. For a list of our largest car accident settlements, please click here.

Common Causes of Car Accidents in RI

  • Speeding is dangerous to everyone on the road, including yourself, your passengers, other motorists, and pedestrians.
  • Drunk driving is a major risk to everyone on the road, even if you are under the legal drinking limit. Ingesting any amount of alcohol before operating a motor vehicle negatively affects coordination, response time, and decision-making.
  • Distracted driving, such as fiddling with the radio or checking your phone, may not seem dangerous, but these distractions significantly increase the odds of a car crash.
  • Bad road conditions, like severe weather, run-down roads, and construction, can affect a person’s ability to safely drive their car.
  • Defective parts sometimes cause car accidents, most commonly due to design or manufacturing defects. To prevent a defect-related crash, you should get your car regularly checked and quickly repair or replace any faulty parts.

I Was in a Car Accident in Rhode Island – What Should I Do Now?

  • Turn on your car’s hazard lights.
  • Move to a place of safety. Unless your vehicle is in a dangerous area, do not move your car.
  • Contact 911 for police and ambulance assistance.
  • Photograph and note all accident details.
  • Complete a police report. Get a copy of the police report and keep it for your records.
  • Collect the other driver’s information.
  • Get checked out by a healthcare professional, even if you are not in pain initially.
  • Keep all documents related to the accident.
  • Contact your insurance company and relay specifics of the accident, including the other driver’s insurance information.
  • We discourage injured car accident victims from speaking with the other driver’s insurance company before consulting with an attorney. Insurance companies are notorious for undercompensating injured people, so speaking with a lawyer first can prevent you from being unfairly compensated. If you do speak with them, try not to disclose any accident details.

Car Insurance Coverage in RI

Insurance in RI is “fault-based,” which means that the person who caused the accident compensates the other person for their harms. There are various types of required and optional insurance policies available in RI.

Required Insurance:

  1. Bodily Injury or Death Insurance
    • Pays for the other motorist’s accident-related expenses, but not your own.
    • $25,000 coverage for injuries or death to one (1) person in one (1) car, AND
    • $50,000 for injuries or death to two (2) or more people in one (1) accident.
  2. Property Damage or Destruction Insurance
    • Pays for damage to or destruction of another person’s property, but not your own.
    • $25,000 for damage or destruction to a person’s car in one (1) auto accident.

However, instead of those two (2) policies, drivers in RI can buy Combined Single Limit Liability Insurance.

  • Combines both insurance policies into a single insurance policy.
  • Insured driver only needs one (1) policy instead of two (2) separate policies.

Optional Insurance Policies:

  • Collision Insurance
    • Pays for repairs to or replacement of your car, even if you caused the accident
    • Usually compensates you for your car’s “Actual Cash Value”
  • Gap Insurance
    • Covers the difference between the Actual Cash Value of your car and the remaining balance of your car’s loan or lease.
  • Comprehensive Insurance
    • Pays for your car’s non-accident repairs or replacement costs, like if your car was damaged in a natural disaster or theft.
    • Reimburses you for the car’s Actual Cash Value (up to your policy limits).
  • Uninsured Driver Insurance
    • Covers your accident-related injury costs when the at-fault driver has no insurance or is unidentifiable, such as a hit-and-run.
    • Property damage is not typically included.
  • Under-insured Driver Insurance
    • Compensates you for collision-related injury expenses when the at-fault driver’s insurance policy is too low to cover these costs.
  • Medical Payments Insurance (“Med Pay”)
    • Reimburses you for your and your passengers’ medical expenditures, up to the per-person policy limit.

What Can I Recover for My RI Car Accident?

If you or a loved one were hurt in a car accident that was not your fault, you may be eligible to recover for your medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, among other losses. The amount of compensation you will get after a car accident depends on many factors, including the severity of the injuries, extent of medical care, and how the injury affects your daily life. Contact our experienced car accident attorneys today to see what your case could be worth.

Is There a Deadline to File a Car Accident Claim in RI?

Yes. In Rhode Island, you have three (3) years from the date of the car accident to file a personal injury lawsuit.

However, if an injured car accident victim was under eighteen (18) years old or legally disabled or incapacitated, then a different deadline applies:

  • Minors who were injured in car accidents have three (3) years after they turn eighteen (18) years old to file a personal injury claim.
  • People with legal disabilities or in-capacities must file a car accident case within three (3) years after they are no longer deemed disabled or incapacitated.

Don’t wait to file your personal injury claim! The quicker you contact an experienced car accident lawyer, the more time they have to investigate your situation, build a strong case, and maximize your compensation.

How Long Will It Take to Get a Settlement for My RI Car Accident Case?

Each case’s settlement timeline is different. There are many factors that affect the time it takes to settle a car accident case, like the severity of one’s injuries, amount of treatment needed, and difficulties in getting documentation. Although how long it takes to get compensation is uncertain, our attorneys work hard to ensure that you get a favorable settlement as soon as possible.

Who Pays for My Car Damage?

Typically, the at-fault driver’s insurance company pays for accident-related car damage. If you caused the collision, then your insurance company will usually reimburse you for your vehicle’s damage, depending on your insurance coverage.

To get the most compensation for your property damage, you should have an independent automobile mechanic meet with your insurance adjuster. The mechanic can accurately estimate the value of your car’s damage, so that you will be fairly compensated by the insurance company. Learn more about getting your vehicle repaired by clicking here.

Why Do I Need a Lawyer for My RI Car Accident?

Rhode Island car accident laws and insurance policies can be complex and hard to understand on your own. Thus, hiring a car accident lawyer who is well-versed in personal injury and insurance law often leads to a better outcome. Insurance companies tend to under-compensate injured car accident victims so that they can settle the claim quickly. With a lawyer on your side, you have someone to advocate for fair compensation on your behalf. Our experienced car accident attorneys will handle your claim so that you can focus on recovering from your injuries.

How Much Does Hiring a RI Car Accident Lawyer Cost?

You will not pay anything unless and until our firm secures an award or settlement of your car accident claim. If we win your case, then we will receive a fee from your recovery.

Should I File a Police Report After a Car Accident in RI?

Two severely damaged vehicles after a car accident. They will need to call a Rhode Island car accident lawyer.

Yes. You should file a police report as soon as possible after your car accident. Filing a police report strengthens your claim and helps your lawyer build a solid case. Once you file the report, ensure that you get a copy.

How Do I Get a Copy of My Police Report in RI?

In Rhode Island, you can obtain a copy of your police accident report for a small fee. You can get a copy of your report online and by mail.


To get your police report online, go to www.BuyCrash.com. You must have your accident report number, which the police officer at the accident scene will give you. Typically, you can view your report within seventy-two (72) hours of it being filed.

U.S. Mail

You can also obtain a copy of your police accident report via U.S. mail. To do this, send a $15 check or money order (payable to “The State of Rhode Island”) in a stamped envelope. Address the envelope to “Rhode Island State Police: Accident Bureau, 311 Danielson Pike, North Scituate, RI 02857.” Include the driver’s name, accident date, and accident report number in the request.

What Kinds of Evidence Do I Need to Win My Car Accident Case in RI?

  • Medical Documentation
    • Medical Records
    • Medical expenses, invoices, and/or receipts
    • Doctors notes and reports
  • Police Report
    • Statements from drivers, passengers, and witnesses
    • Police officer’s opinion of who was at-fault
    • Traffic violations
  • Photographs and/or Videos
    • Location and position of the vehicles after the collision
    • Visible injuries
    • Visible property damage
    • Road and weather conditions
    • Dashboard camera footage
  • Property Damage
    • Vehicle repair estimates and/or receipts
    • Actual Cash Value of your car
    • Rental or replacement car fees
  • Witnesses
    • Names and contact information of anyone who saw the accident
    • Written statements from those who viewed the crash
    • Testimony of someone who saw the collision
  • Lost Income or Lost Opportunities
    • Pay stubs
    • Pay statements
    • Tip records
    • Previous year’s tax return
    • Financial opportunities you missed out on because of your injuries

Do I Need to Seek Medical Treatment After a Car Accident in RI?

Yes, you should seek medical treatment as soon as you have been involved in a car accident. You may not feel injured at first, but pain and injuries can take time to become noticeable. A medical professional is in the best position to determine whether you were hurt, the extent of your injuries, and how to effectively treat you.

Additionally, getting medical attention after a crash helps to strengthen your car accident case. If you did not get medical care, then the other driver and their insurance company will use this against you to minimize your compensation. The opposition might argue that your injuries were not serious or do not exist, which will decrease the amount of compensation you can recover.

What Should I Do If I Was Injured in an Uber or Lyft in RI?

Uber, Lyft, and similar ride share vehicles have become popular transportation options for many individuals. People depend on these ride share vehicles for countless reasons, such as getting to work and completing errands. As ride share companies—and ride share accidents—become more widespread, you should know your legal rights, just in case you are injured a collision.

Foremost, even if you file a lawsuit or hire a car accident attorney, you still have access to rideshare vehicles. Rideshare companies cannot punish you for exerting your rights to file a lawsuit and collect compensation for your injuries.

Additionally, after being involved in a ride share car accident, you should:

  1. Call 911 and request police and medical assistance.
  2. Document and take pictures of accident details. Also, screenshot your ride share app to prove that you were in the vehicle when the collision occurred.
  3. Determine if any witnesses saw the accident. If so, get their contact information.
  4. Follow the ride share app’s accident reporting steps.
  5. Make sure you (and everyone else involved) seek medical attention.

Click here to learn more about ride share vehicle accidents.

What If I Was Partly At-Fault in My RI Car Accident?

Rhode Island law has adopted a “pure comparative negligence” system. This means that, even if you contributed to the accident, you can still be compensated for your injuries or property damage. However, your compensation will be reduced by the percentage that you were responsible for the accident. For example:

  • Suppose your injuries and property damage are worth $100,000.
  • Assume you were twenty percent (20%) at-fault, and the other driver was eighty percent (80%) responsible for the accident.
  • Under Rhode Island law, you can receive $80,000 in compensation for the accident.

Can I Get Compensated for a RI Car Accident Even If I Wasn’t Wearing a Seat-belt?

Seat-belts should always be worn while traveling in a car. That said, however, you are still able to be compensated for your accident-related expenses, even if you were not wearing a seat-belt. Rhode Island law declares that a person’s compensation will not be reduced because they failed to wear a seat-belt.

Who Pays If an Under-aged Driver Causes a Car Accident in RI?

In Rhode Island, when an under-aged person causes a car accident, the minor and their parents can both be liable for resulting injuries or property damage. Parents are financially responsible (up to $1,500) when the minor “willfully or maliciously” causes someone bodily or property damage, but only if the minor would have been liable if they were an adult. However, underage drivers themselves are still responsible for any injuries or property damage. If the minor is a “named insured” on their parents’ insurance policy, then the parents’ insurance company will pay for an injured person’s expenses.

Why Hire d’Oliveira & Associates for My Rhode Island Car Accident Case?

  • Our lawyers specialize in car accident claims. Indeed, we have been successfully settling our clients’ Rhode Island car accident cases for more than thirty (35) years.
  • We have decades of expertise in negotiating with insurance companies and obtaining favorable outcomes for our clients.
  • Our firm has secured more than $250 million for our injured clients.
  • More than ninety-five percent (95%) of our clients’ cases settle without going to court, which means that you probably will not have to step foot in a courtroom.
  • We provide free case evaluations.
  • You can contact us 24/7, either by phone (800-992-6778) or online contact form.
  • We do not charge you anything unless and until you receive a settlement or award.
  • Our firm has eleven (11) offices throughout Rhode Island.

Contact Our Knowledgeable Rhode Island Car Accident Lawyers Today!

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident in Rhode Island that you did not cause, then you may be able to get compensated for your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and related costs. You pay nothing unless we obtain a settlement or award on your behalf. Call our offices anytime at 800-992-6878 or complete an online contact form for a free case assessment.

Our Rhode Island Offices