$3.5 Million Settlement – A young child was hit by a motor vehicle as a pedestrian and was killed. Our firm maintained joint responsibility with another trial attorney who settled the case before trial.
$1.0 Million Settlement – Our client was injured in a rear-end collision with a tractor trailer truck and the vehicle burst into flames. She suffered a fractured vertebra in her spine, lacerations, and burns. Our firm maintained joint responsibility with another trial attorney who settled the case at mediation.
$964,000 Settlement – Our client was a 25 year old woman who was in a motor vehicle accident and suffered a brain injury.
$950,000 Settlement – Our client was a pedestrian walking in a cross-walk with all traffic stopped when a truck failed to slow and hit them. The client sustained serious life-threatening injuries and is lucky to be alive today. d’Oliveira & Associates’ attorney D. Robin Gouveia worked with co-counsel to obtain this settlement.
$800,000 Settlement – Our client was a passenger in a vehicle that was traveling through New Hampshire. The other driver was at fault and caused a serious car accident, our client to sustained two fractured vertebrae and major bruising all over her body. Our firm maintained joint responsibility with a litigation trial lawyer, who settled the case out of court.
$775,000 Settlement – Our client was struck by another vehicle as a pedestrian and suffered a brain injury, facial fractures, and a permanent loss of vision.
$650,000 Settlement – Our client was seriously injured when a tractor trailer crushed the rear end of his vehicle. He suffered a concussion, dental and facial fractures, cuts to his arms and face, and underwent shoulder surgery. Our attorney, Robin Gouveia, negotiated this settlement on his behalf with one of the largest insurance companies in the nation.
$600,000 Settlement – Our client was a passenger in a motor vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed on a wet road when the driver lost control and struck a large rock. Our client suffered severe head injuries and permanent paralysis.
$550,000 Settlement – Our client was injured in an auto accident and suffered a broken leg requiring pins and screws, a fractured pelvis, internal bleeding, and a laceration to their colon.
$500,000 Settlement – Our client’s vehicle was struck from behind, causing her to sustain serious injuries to there head, shoulder, chest, neck and back. These injuries prohibited her from working and also required her to go through extensive medical treatment, including surgery.
$500,000 Settlement – Our client was injured as a passenger in a motor vehicle accident and sustained a back injury which required surgery.
$470,000 Settlement – Our client was a passenger in a motor vehicle accident and suffered a brain injury.
$410,000 Settlement – Our client was injured as a passenger in a motor vehicle accident and suffered injuries to their back, neck, and shoulder, and underwent spinal surgery.
$400,000 Settlement – Our client was injured when their vehicle was struck head-on by a truck and suffered multiple fractures and lacerations.
$400,000 Settlement – Our client was a middle-aged woman who was injured in a motor vehicle accident. She suffered a broken ankle, lacerations, and numerous bruises on her body.
$395,000 Settlement – Our client is a 39 year old woman who was injured in a motor vehicle accident. She suffered a fractured ankle, lacerations, and numerous bruising.
$350,000 Settlement – Our client was injured as a passenger in a motor vehicle in which the driver fell asleep at the wheel. The vehicle struck a tree and rolled over and our client suffered a severe fracture of the wrist, which required surgery.
$347,500 Settlement – Our client was involved in a motor vehicle accident and suffered a broken pelvis, fractures to the arm and elbow, a dislocated hip and lacerations. She had surgery on her hip and pelvis and underwent extensive rehabilitation.
$325,000 Settlement – Our client was injured as a passenger in a motor vehicle accident and suffered lacerations and broken bones.
$320,000 Settlement – Our client was a woman who was injured in a motor vehicle accident. She sustained injuries to the neck and shoulder, which required surgery and rehabilitation.
$300,000 Settlement – Our client was involved in a rear-end collision and suffered a back injury, which required extensive medical treatment.
$250,000 Settlement – Our client was injured in a rear-end collision while stopped at train tracks and sustained neck and back injuries that required surgery.
$225,000 Settlement – Our client was injured as a passenger in a motor vehicle accident and underwent neck surgery.
Social Security Disability
RI Social Security Disability
MA Social Security Disability