After a few days of heavy rain, many town and city beaches in Rhode Island (RI) were closed to swimming. This comes as a disappointment, since it is the peak of summer and one of the greatest parts about living on the coast is enjoying the beach. Unfortunately, when there is heavy rainfall, the bacteria in the ocean is disrupted and becomes unsafe for humans to be in contact with for fear of illness.
Why Will A Town Close Beaches To Swimming?
The most obvious reason a beach may close is for physical safety concerns such as sharks or extreme weather. The most recent RI beach closings, however, are due to the contamination of bacteria in the water. As the rain comes, the excess water on the roads and nearby towns all trickle down to the ocean.
With the immediate addition of fresh water and animal waste to the ocean, the bacteria and microorganisms in the ocean become imbalanced. The Rhode Island Health Department specifically looks at enterococci bacteria. If a public beach tests positive for 60 colony-forming units of bacteria in 100 milliliters of water, then the beach will likely be closed to swimming.
Why Can Swimming in Closed Beach Waters Be Dangerous?
Any time a public agency like the Rhode Island Department of Health declares a safety concern you should always listen. But really, what could happen if you went swimming in a beach that was declared closed to swimming? When the water is closed to swimming, the lifeguards walk the edge of the water to ensure everyone complies with no swimming.
The main risk is an illness known as Gastroenteritis. It is an intestinal infection that can be contracted from ingesting infected water, which means children are especially at risk. The side effects include: vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, fever, and stomach pains.
Contact an Experienced RI Boating Accident Lawyer Today!
If you have been injured in a RI Boating Accident, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering, among other related losses. Usually, the owner of the boat has insurance, which will cover you if you are injured. Our law firm is accepting boating accident cases and we charge no fee until you receive an award or settlement. Call us today toll-free 24/7 at 1-800-992-6878 or fill out our online contact form for a free (no obligation) case evaluation.
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