Social Security Disability Insurance, sometimes also known as SSDI, is a Social Security program that pays out monthly benefits to individuals who become disabled before they retire from their jobs or are unable to work due to an injury or disability. In order to qualify for the SSDI program, individuals must have worked for a certain number of years in a job where they paid Social Security or FICA taxes. You must have earned a certain number of work credits each year.

SSD claim form and the Social Security Disability Myths surrounding it

Separating Myth from Reality

There are a number of myths that are perpetuated about applying for SSD benefits and qualifying to receive them. Here are few clarifications to help you better understand the facts about Social Security Disability and separate fact from fiction.

Myth: Everyone who applies for SSD gets approved.

denied ssd claim formFact: This is not true. Each and every case is unique. So, each case will be viewed independently. For example, just because someone you know had a condition and got approved, it does not mean another person having the same condition will get approved. This is because, even with the same condition, the symptoms each individual suffers from and the severity of those symptoms can vary quite a bit. Your approval will largely depend on whether or not you hire a lawyer, submit detailed medical records and get favorable recommendations from your doctor.

Myth: You need to be old to get Social Security Disability.

Fact: This is also a common misunderstanding. You can receive SSD benefits at any age as long as you fulfill the requirements. Younger people, especially those in their 20s or 30s may find it more difficult to receive SSDI if they are suffering from an illness, injury or disabling condition. But they are still able to claim these benefits successfully.

Myth: You cannot claim SSD benefits if you are using alcohol or drugs.

Fact: There are times when the SSA might use the fact that you drink or use drugs to deny or limit your claim. However, if is possible to get disability benefits even if you use alcohol or drugs. The SSA’s decision will evaluate your claim on the nature of the medical condition and the disability.

Myth: I cannot receive workers’ compensation benefits if I get SSDI.

Fact: You can receive both SSDI and workers’ compensation benefits at the same time. Your monthly workers’ comp payments could be reduced, however, based on the amount of your SSDI payments. It is also possible that your past-due benefits may decrease. That said, you can still receive both benefits if you’ve suffered a job-related injury or disability.

Woman looking over SSDI form before sending to SSA

Myth: I cannot apply for SSDI if I have a job or earned income.

Fact: You won’t automatically be denied disability benefits if you are working part-time and not earning much money. But, if you are doing a substantial amount of work or working full-time, you will most likely be denied the benefits.

Why You Need a Lawyer

social security lawyer dispelling social security disability myths to clientsThe Rhode Island Social Security Disability lawyers at d’Oliveira & Associates have significant experience handling all types of SSD claims. We do not charge a fee unless you win your claim and receive your past due benefits. You may be eligible to receive SSDI benefits if you have become injured, ill, disabled and have been unable to work for at least a year. Contact us online or call us at toll-free at 1-800-992-6878 for a free consultation and comprehensive case evaluation.