November 6, 2017
Worker Burn Injuries Can Be Difficult to Treat
When it comes to workplace injuries, burns are some of the most painful and costly to treat. According to the American Burn Association, burn injuries result in 40,000 hospitalizations each year. While a number of these burn injuries occur at home, workplace burn injuries are very much a preventable source of injury. The Occupational Safety…
August 1, 2017
Worker Injured During Ohio Fireworks Show
The Ohio Fire Marshall’s Office reported that three people in the state suffered gruesome injuries in fireworks accidents including one worker at a fireworks show who suffered major injuries. According to a news report, a worker in Ohio was transported to a hospital where he has already had two surgeries on his leg and is…
September 9, 2016
Burn Injury Risk Heightened During Warmer Months
Summer brings with it a lot of fun, outdoor activities. But with outdoor fun comes the risk of several different types of injuries, including burn injuries. When we think of summer burn injuries, sunburn might be the first thing that comes to mind. However, there are many other things that could heighten the risk of…