Taunton SSD Benefits for man with man developed FibromyalgiaAttorney Cara Gallucci, of d’Oliveira & Associates, represented a Taunton man during his case for Social Security Disability benefits. The man developed Fibromyalgia in 2013 after working for many years. He also suffered chronic headaches and severe back pain due to bulging discs in his spine. Rather than attempt the stressful and time consuming task of representing himself, he hired the Taunton Social Security Disability lawyers to represent him.

Attorney Gallucci and the experienced staff at d’Oliveira & Associates walked him step by step through his case and won his case before an administrative law judge. Due to Attorney Gallucci’s experience handling Social Security Disability cases, the man got an award of over $27,000 in past due benefits and almost $1,800 per month going forward.

Attorney Gallucci had this to say: “This gentleman worked extremely hard throughout his entire career. He was an immigrant and had limited schooling, yet made great strides working in this country since he was young. Unfortunately, he came to a point where his hard work took an incredible toll on his body, causing conditions which have permanently prevented him from engaging in further employment. The man performed physically demanding manual labor for most of his life.”

Fibromyalgia is just one of many diseases which may qualify as a disability under the Social Security Administration’s rules. Also included are degenerative disc disease, rheumatoid arthritis and serious bone fractures, among others. Spine conditions and other disorders can be difficult to prove in an SSDI case. If you believe you are eligible to receive SSDI benefits, you should consider hiring an experienced Social Security Disability lawyer, who can give you more information regarding your case.

Taunton SSD Lawyer meeting with Taunton MA couple on SSD benefitsd’Oliveira & Associates is a personal injury law firm with 15 offices conveniently located in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Our Social Security Disability lawyers have many years of experience handling these kinds of cases. If you or a loved one have become disabled and wish to file a claim for Social Security Disability benefits, contact us toll free 24/7 for a free (no obligation) case evaluation, or fill out a contact form.