Biomet Hip Replacement side effects include fractures, dislocations, infections and loosening of the device, among others. Our law firm is working with some of the more experienced hip implant attorneys in the country and there are no legal fees until you receive a settlement or award. Call us toll-free at 1-(508) 252-8510 or contact us online.

Have You Suffered a Serious Complication After Being Implanted
With a Biomet Hip?
Call Us Now For a Free Case Evaluation!

In 1996, Biomet introduced its line of M2a all-metal hip replacements and from 1999 to 2009 more than 110,000 of these devices were implanted. In 2004, the FDA approved the M2a Magnum for sale on the market. According to the Chicago Tribune, this device has become the second most widely used hip replacement in the United States behind the Depuy ASR. Click here to read the article. On the company’s website, it advertises that the M2a Magnum large diameter head resists wear and provides greater stability. However, medical studies have shown that metal on metal devices may fail at higher rates and large diameter heads may lead to greater concentrations of metal ions in the bloodstream.

Biomet All-Metal Hip Replacements:

  • M2a Magnum
  • M2a 38
  • M2a Taper
  • M2a Ringloc
  • M2a 28mm
  • Stanmore
  • Exceed ABT

Common M2a Magnum Hip Injuries

Metal implants like the M2a Magnum have been linked to a wide range of complications. Less serious side effects of the Biomet Hip include swelling and pain. And, you should talk to a hip attorney if you have suffered serious injuries like the following:

  • Infection
  • Cobalt poisoning
  • Metallosis
  • Ossification and osteonecrosis
  • Device loosening
  • Bone and device fracture
  • Device dislocation and failure

Biomet Hip Recall

In September 2001, Biomet and seven other manufacturers recalled hip replacements because of a defective Zirconia Ceramic Femoral Head manufactured by St. Gobain Desmarquest. This component was the “ball” piece of the implant. Government reports indicated that these Zirconia Ceramic components fractured within 13 to 27 months of implantation. In the 3 years this component was on the market, it is estimated that it was used in about 6% of the 150,000 to 200,000 hip implants performed each year in the United States during this time.

Biomet Bribery Allegations

In March 2012, Biomet paid over $22 million in penalties to settle charges filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC alleged that the company violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act when it bribed doctors in Argentina, Brazil, and China for nearly ten years. According to the Commission’s complaint, the company paid doctors kickbacks as high as 20% for each sale. It falsely recorded these payments as “consulting fees” while doctors documented phony invoices. An internal memo from Biomet stated that the “Brazilian Distributor makes payments to surgeons that may be considered as a kickback. These payments are made in cash that allows the surgeon to receive income tax free.” Read the SEC press release here.

Medical Studies Addressing Biomet Hip Dangers

A patient in a hospital bed hearing a report from a doctor.

Medical studies have addressed the durability of these metal on metal joints and the safety of their large diameter heads, two elements that Biomet claims makes its M2a Magnum a quality product. According to the 2011 Annual Report by the Australian Orthopaedic Association, data from the National Joint Replacement Registry found that M2a Magnum patients required a total of 45 corrective surgeries and the device had a 7.2% rate of revision after 7 years. Another study published in The Bone & Joint Journal (British Volume) investigated the safety of large diameter heads in these all-metal replacements. The study reviewed the results of 119 patients who had received this type of implant and found that 42 patients (39%) were diagnosed with a pseudotumor. It also found that patients with elevated metal ion levels “had a four times increased risk of developing a pseudotumor”. These studies add to the growing body of medical literature which addresses the dangers of these hips.

Hip Replacement Lawsuits Filed Against Biomet

A judges gavel by a stethoscope.

Many patients who were received the M2a Magnum have suffered injuries and have now filed product liability lawsuits against the company. In fact, at least 494 lawsuits have been consolidated in a process known as multidistrict litigation (In re: Biomet M2a Magnum Hip Implant Products Liability Litigation – MDL No. 2391) (vi). Many of these suits allege that the company failed to test the device and that it is defectively designed. In November 2012, a Michigan man filed a suit after he suffered severe pain caused by his Biomet Hip. He was forced to have the implant removed and alleged that he would have never received it if he had known about its dangers. In another suit, an Illinois woman underwent corrective surgery after suffering painful M2a Magnum injuries. She alleged the device was defective because it is a “monoblock system” and there is no option of having an acetabular liner which would have prevented the metal components from rubbing against each other.

Do You Need Legal Advice Regarding Your Biomet Hip Injuries?

2 clients talking to a personal injury lawyer regarding a Biomet lawsuit.

If you or a loved one has experienced metal on metal side effects from the M2a Magnum, you may want to speak with a lawyer regarding a potential lawsuit. A personal injury attorney familiar with new developments regarding these medical devices may be able to give you make important personal and legal advice. We are working with some of the more experienced hip replacement lawyers in the country who are handling these cases. There is no legal fee until you receive a settlement or award. Feel free to fill out an online contact form or call us at 1-(508) 252-8510.