Someone driving at night.

Many people are not aware that they are more likely to die in a car accident at night than during the day. Over 40,000 people die in car accidents every single year in this country and many of these happen after the sun goes down.

If you have been injured in an accident at night due to the fault of another person, then calling an attorney may be the last thing you want to think about but it is important, especially if it is not clear cut who is at fault.

You may be able to recover compensation for your medical bills, lost income and pain and suffering. We charge no fee unless we win your case and get you a settlement or award that you are happy with. We are open to take your call or contact form 24/7 at 1-800-992-6878. Accidents cause fear and uncertainty, especially when they happen at night. That’s why we make it easy to contact us – our phones answer 24/7 and you can always fill out an online legal consultation.

Challenges and Risks of Night Driving

  • Vision
    • Roughly 90% of a driver’s reaction time relies on vision, which is drastically impaired in the dark.
    • Depth perception, color recognition and peripheral vision are also negatively impacted at night.
    • Twilight is one of the most difficult times to drive because your eyes have to continually adjust to changing light.
  • Animals
    • Animals, like deer, are most active in the evening, around 6-9 p.m., from mid-October to mid-December.
    • Some animals travel in groups and are especially unpredictable when caught in headlights.
    • It can be significantly harder to see animals in or crossing the road in the dark, making reaction times to avoid them slower.
  • Impaired driving
    • Drunk driving severely impairs your ability to drive. Over half of all fatal crashes at night are alcohol-related.
    • Drowsiness reduces concentration and happens more frequently at night.
  • Dangerous driving
    • Speeding results in many fatalities, especially at night when vision and reaction time are slower.
    • 2/3 of the people involved in fatal car accidents at night do not wear seatbelts.

How to Take Precautions Driving at Night

  • Frequently clean your vehicle’s headlights, taillights, signal lights and windows.
  • Do not drink and drive, as alcohol is a depressant that seriously impairs your ability to drive.
  • Reduce your speed and keep a larger distance between you and the next car in front of you.
  • Ensure your headlights are aimed properly to avoid blinding other drivers.
  • Turn off your high beams when you are following another vehicle or if there is oncoming traffic.
  • In case oncoming drivers do not turn off their high beams, look toward the white line on the right edge of the road. This will help to avoid the glare.