Birth injuries, or the injuries sustained by a newborn during the birth process, can be temporary and minor, or long-term and serious. In some circumstances, the impairment may be so significant that it causes permanent disability in the newborn child. Such injuries can be traced to a plethora of factors, including the size of the baby, position during labor, prematurity or cephalopelvic disproportion. One of the more common causes of these birth complications and injuries is going through prolonged labor.
Prolonged Labor and Birth Injuries
Certain factors increase the risk of birth injuries as a consequence of prolonged labor. One of the most serious risks that occurs during prolonged births is the potential that the baby gets lodged in the birth canal. This normally diminishes or cuts off the supply of oxygen to the newborn. This is important at the birth stage because, due to premature detachment, the child is no longer getting as much oxygen from the mother. This shortage of oxygen, also known as perinatal asphyxia, commonly results in brain injuries that harm the tissue in the cerebral motor cortex; otherwise known as cerebral palsy.
While some prolonged labor cases are no one’s fault, many birth injuries still result from the negligence of the doctors delivering and monitoring the mother in labor. Labor may be prolonged due to the doctor’s failure to monitor or perform tests, failure to recognize fetal distress, improper use of forceps or vacuum, or failure to order or delay in ordering for cesarean section procedure.
In some circumstances, the failure for a doctor to order an emergency cesarean section, (C-Section) will make that doctor and/or medical care facility liable for the injuries to the child for their failure to properly act. These failures or negligence may result in injuries and infections such as brachial palsy, bruising or forceps marks, cephalohematoma, facial paralysis, fractures, and sepsis. Healthcare providers have the duty to provide safe care in delivering babies. If your baby suffered injuries during labor birth, the doctor may be held liable for damages.
Do You Need a Lawyer for Your Birth Injuries Claim?
If you or someone you know has suffered any of the side effects, you may be entitled to compensation. The RI attorneys at d’Oliveira & Associates are working with the medical malpractice attorneys and birth injury lawyers and want you to know the you deserve the right legal representation for your medical malpractice claim or RI birth injury lawsuit. Please contact the law offices of d’Oliveira & Associates at 1-800-992-6867 or fill out a contact form for a free legal consultation.
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