Rhode Island State Police participated in another nationwide “Click it or Ticket” seatbelt enforcement campaign during the last week of March. Drivers in Rhode Island saw an increased presence of troopers on all state roadways during this time. The RI State Police said their department continues to be committed to aggressively ticketing those who violate seatbelt laws, along with laws relating to keeping children restrained in safety seats. A disregard by both adults and children to wear a seatbelt increases the chances of injury during a car accident.
Why Are Seatbelts Important?
Seatbelts reduce serious crash-related injuries and fatalities by about half of those who do not wear seatbelts. Seatbelt use is lower in states where failure to wear a seatbelt is not a primary offense. The RI State Police has stressed the importance of buckling up, even if you are traveling a short distance away from home. In fact, statistics show that a majority of car accidents occur within five miles of home. Furthermore, car accidents are the leading cause of death among those between the ages of 1 and 54 in the U.S. It is important to remember that an air bag is not a substitute for a safety belt.
Tips for Parents and Caregivers
When it comes to not wearing seatbelts, teenagers are the biggest offenders. In years past, more than half of teens who died in car accidents were not buckled up. Researchers have found that one in three children killed in car accidents were not buckled up, nor properly restrained in car seats. Seatbelt use is the most effective way to save lives and reduce injuries in crashes and yet, many children do not wear their seatbelts on every trip.
Here are a few crucial tips for parents and caregivers with regard to restraining their children while on the road:
- Make sure your child is properly restrained in an infant seat or booster seat depending on your child’s age, height and weight.
- Children 12 and under should sit properly buckled in the back seat.
- Remember to never place a rear-facing child safety seat in front of an airbag.
Contact a Middletown Car Accident Lawyer
If you or someone you know has been injured in a car accident, contact one of our experienced Middletown injury lawyers located at 1521 West Main Road, Middletown, RI 02842. You may be entitled to receive compensation for your medical bills, lost income and pain and suffering, among other losses. No fees are received unless you win your case. For a free (no obligation) case evaluation, call us at 401-846-5449 or toll free at 1-800-992-6878. You may also fill out our contact form online.
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