The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has launched an investigation into two private contractors after an accident involving a bucket truck that tipped over on the Sakonnet River Bridge. According to a WPRI news report, the agency’s office in Providence has initiated the probe of two companies AECOM and N.E. Contractors of Norton, Massachusetts, which also goes by the name Bridgeriggers. Officials reported that the two workers who were operating the truck were transported by ambulance to an area hospital with minor injuries. Similar investigations have been ongoing across the country as alleged safety violations have been cited to be the cause of many workplace injury lawsuits.
What is the Focus of the OSHA Investigation?
Safety inspectors and OSHA authorities are investigating the cause of the accident and gathering information needed to make a determination, according to officials. They are specifically looking at whether there were any workplace safety violations that led to this accident. If they find that safety standards were violated, the contractors may potentially face citations and fines.
A similar accident involving a snooper truck occurred in Connecticut last year in which a bridge inspector was killed. In that case, OSHA cited a Virginia-based company for failing to routinely inspect the vehicle. It is indeed fortunate that the injuries sustained by workers in the Sakonnet Bridge accident in Rhode Island were not life threatening.
Steps to Take if You are Injured on the Job
Try to gather as much evidence as possible from the accident scene. This includes taking photographs of any equipment and/or machinery that may have been involved as well as images of your injuries. If other people saw the incident occur, try to get their names and contact information. Obtain written statements. Next, get prompt medical attention treatment and care for your injuries. If you are unable to return to work because of your injuries, bring a written doctor’s note to your supervisor. Keep a copy of all documents, invoices and a record of all expenses relating to your accident and injuries.
Contact and Experienced Rhode Island Workplace Injury Lawyer
If you or someone you know has been injured while at work in Rhode Island, contact one of our experienced Rhode Island injury lawyers. You may be entitled to collect for workers compensation benefits for lost wages, medical bills and possibly a lump sum settlement, among other benefits. No fees are received unless you win your case. For a free (no obligation) case evaluation, call us toll free at 1-800-992-6878. You may also fill out our contact form online.
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