May 16, 2019
Why It’s Important to Hire the Right Providence Car Accident Attorney
Providence is one of the leading cities nationwide when it comes to traffic accidents. Those of us who live in Providence, face a heightened risk of getting into a car accident. This is because Providence routinely makes it to those notorious lists like “Worst Traffic Intersections,” or “Worst Drivers” or “Most Dangerous Roadways in New…
February 5, 2019
Providence, Rhode Island Dog Bite Attorney
No dog is allowed to roam free outside the premises of the owner’s property. All dogs have to be leashed or are supposed to be enclosed within a fenced space in Providence, Rhode Island. This rule has been implemented through Providence’s leash law ordinance. Providence has a total area of around 20 square miles. The…
November 2, 2018
What Determines Who is at Fault in a Car, Truck, Motorcycle, or Bicycle Accident?
The party at fault in a car, truck, motorcycle or bicycle accident is the party who has generally have acted negligently, carelessly or willfully ignored traffic laws. Laws ensure that those negligent persons are held responsible and that the injured parties are awarded damages. How Exactly Do These Laws Work? Here are some tips on…
February 22, 2016
RI Hoverboard Injuries On The Rise
Hoverboard, Photo Taken on 10 October 2015 by Ben Larcey The Providence, RI personal injury attorneys at d’Oliveira & Associates have been noticing reports of a number of injuries caused by hoverboards continuing even after the holiday season. Hoverboards have been a big ticket item on many wish lists and have been one of the…