Recently d’Oliveira & Associates attorney, D. Robin Gouveia, obtained a combined $100,000 settlement from Safety Insurance and Travelers Insurance for a New Bedford man, who was injured in a car accident. Our client was struck by another vehicle that ran a red light. As a result, our client sustained head, shoulder and spine injuries, which required extensive therapy to remedy.
Attorney D. Robin Gouveia said, “A demand for the bodily injury policy limits was submitted to the defendant’s insurance company because it was clear the case was worth these limits and more. We advocated and after several discussions, they offered the full limits we demanded. We then pursued the Underinsured Motorist coverage of the client’s policy and secured an offer of these limits as well. Having obtained the full exposure from all available insurance policies, we put together a settlement package for the client to maximize his net recovery. ”
A skilled car accident lawyer knows how to get all the compensation you deserve for your injuries and losses. In some cases, like in this one, the at-fault driver’s insurance will not cover the entirety of the claim. It is possible for a motorist to either be underinsured or uninsured. If this is the case, the driver who was not at fault may be able to collect the underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage from the policy on the vehicle they were in when the accident happened. Your New Bedford car accident lawyer will know how to best guide you in this process.
Contact a New Bedford Car Accident Lawyer
If you or a loved one were injured in a car accident, you may be entitled to compensation such as medical bills, pain and suffering and lost earnings, among other losses. Our New Bedford Car Accident Lawyers are experienced in negotiating with insurance companies to get you the best possible settlement or award. Please call our New Bedford office at 508-984-8400 or fill out an online contact form for a free (no obligation) case evaluation.

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